Hanakid is a product for growing-up children. This product is made from fresh cow's milk and its compounds are based on scientific recommendations appropriate to the nutritional needs of children over 3 years old.
Milk consumption is essential for children to provide nutrients and supplement in their diets. Hanakid contains sialic acid, prebiotics, AA and DHA. It is high in vitamins A, C, D, E and B vitamins such as folic acid and other important minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc (zinc), magnesium and selenium. The lipids and proteins of Hanakid are optimized to provide the needs of the baby at growing-up age and weight gain.
Why Use Hanakid?
Children make up a significant percentage of the world's population, and maintaining, promoting, and ensuring their health is one of the health priorities of communities. Childhood is one of the most important periods of life to achieve sufficient growth and to provide the foundation for health in later periods of life. Therefore, the use of proper nutrition in childhood plays an essential role in the health of the child.
The nutritional needs of children who are 3 years old and older are very high due to their rapid growth. For example, their energy requirement per kilogram of body weight is twice as much as that of an adult. On the other hand, the volume of the baby's stomach is about one-fifth as much as that of an adult. Therefore, every meal a child eats should contain more nutrients than adult food. As a result, the baby should have a healthy and rich diet during his or her growth period.
"Hanakid" Enriched Milk Powder is a convenient, useful and affordable practical solution to meet your child's nutritional needs and proper growth at the age of 3 and over.
Here are some of the advantages of two glasses of ready-to-use of Hanakid comparing with 300 ml of pasteurized cow's milk.
Energy and main components :
The energy produced by the consumption of Hanakid is greater than pasteurized milk, which is crucial to providing the energy needed for baby growth during this time.
The amount of fat and protein in Hanakid is lower than pasteurized milk.
Proteins :
Protein is an important nutrient that everyone needs on a daily basis. Protein plays a key role in repairing body cells, repairing muscles and bones and controlling many of the important metabolic processes of the body. Protein is a very important source of energy for the body.
The amount of protein in Hanakid is lower than milk but has more biological value. Casein is a protein that is difficult for the baby to digest. The percentage of "casein" in Hanakid is lower than in pasteurized milk. Also, the percentage of "Whey Protein" in the Hanakid formula is higher than that of cow's milk, which increases the nutritional value of the Hanakid. Therefore, in nutrition and digestion, Hanakid is much better than cow's milk and will help the baby grow better.
* Some of the benefits of whey protein :
- High in essential amino acids (high nutritional value)
- Muscle growth and energy supply
- Increased immune strength
- Easy to dissolve in water
- Easy to digest
- Fast absorption ("whey Protein" is absorbed in 2.5 hours but "Casein" is absorbed about 6 hours).
The daily requirement for protein for a child over 3 years old is 19 grams.
By consuming two glasses of ready-to-use Hanakid solution, about 43% of the daily requirement for protein is met.
Prebiotics :
Hanakid contains FOS and GOS prebiotics but cow's milk lacks these valuable compounds. Prebiotics, in addition to helping to eliminate gastrointestinal disorders, increase the immunity of the baby (preventing the growth of pathogens).
By taking two servings a day of ready-to-use Hanakid solution, about 300 mg of prebiotic enters the baby's body, but pasteurized milk lacks these valuable compounds.
Fats and Fatty Acids :
Hanakid lacks animal fat and contains vegetable oils. Therefore, it is better nutritional value than pasteurized milk because milk fat is mainly of saturated type.
Hanakid contains AA and DHA. These essential fatty acids have been added to boost the baby's IQ, increase problem-solving ability, and boost vision.
The following diagram shows that :
- The percentage of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) such as AA (arachidonic acid: omega 6), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid: omega 3) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3) is much higher in Hanakid than in cow's milk.
- The percentage of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), such as linoleic acid (omega-6) in cow's milk, is lower than that of Hanakid.
- The percentage of saturated fatty acids (SFA) in Hanakid is lower than in cow's milk.

Vitamins :
Vitamin D content in Hanakid is 30 times more than pasteurized milk, so it helps maintain strong bones throughout life, in addition to building strong bones in children. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. The absorbed "calcium" plays a large role in bone formation. For this reason, vitamin D is one of the key factors in the proper growth of children. Vitamin D affects cell growth and neuromuscular function and strengthens the child's immune system.
Hanakid is rich in vitamin C and it cause better absorbs iron.
By taking two times in a day of ready-to-use solution of Hanakid:
- More than 80% of the baby's needs for vitamin A is met.
- More than 50% of the baby's needs for vitamins B1 and B6 is met.
By taking two times in a day of ready-to-use solution of Hanakid:
- All the baby's need for vitamins C, E, and B is met.
- About half of baby's need for vitamin K1 is met.
Minerals :
By consuming of ready-to-use solution of Hanakid twice a day, about 65% of the daily requirement for "calcium" and "copper" is met. The ratio of "calcium" to "phosphorus" in Hanakid is 2. Therefore, it is very useful for the growth and strengthening of the bones and teeth of the baby.
By consuming ready-to-use solution of Hanakid twice a day, all the baby's need for "zinc" is met.
The cause of short stature in adults is zinc deficiency in growing-up period. As a result, the presence of sufficient "zinc" in the Hanakid leads to better growth and increases height.
By consuming ready-to-use solution of Hanakid twice a day, more than half of the body's need for "iron" is met.
References :
McCance, Robert Alexander, and Elsie May Widdowson. McCance and Widdowson's the Composition of Foods. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014.
Soldavini, Jessica. "Krause's Food & The Nutrition Care Process." Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 51.10 (2019): 1225.